Monday, November 19, 2012

blog for the orientation

In the orientation I have been today is mostly about professors and students are introduce the major in English. How it can help people from the most base they need? Such as that writing major can help people to improve their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Therefore, people can have a better position in today’s market. Furthermore, professors had given example of people who had taken the English major and had been successful. Also writing major can help people with advance planer, management, and in all different kinds of administration. During the orientation they had showed students’ power point, video, and students whom are doing the internship are in front of the class to tell their story about why they chose to change their major to English writhing. In addition, at the end of the orientation they had a game that they asked volunteers a question and if the students got the question right, the students will get a reward card from apple store, Starbucks, or Macy's. Witch I think it is very interesting.        

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