Monday, October 29, 2012

blogging the peer review

            Money played a complex role in how people reacted to Hurricane Katrina. For some in the Lower Ninth Ward, lack of access to cash created a situation where they couldn't go anywhere becuase they had no money to back them up and their house was the only place they have. Meanwhile, some middle-class people in NO like the Zeitouns had to face difficult choices, such as the working place, his business, and his house.. All the while people faced these difficult choices and situations, the US government, who had money, chose to only talk people to leave the but city but not helping the poor that couldn't afforded thier family to move. In light of all these examples, I feel that money  was the main reason why people didn't left during Hurricane Katrina and goverments didn't used it in the right way. In this essay, I will show how each of these groups faced a different kind of Hurricane due to the power money had in their ability to make certain kinds of decisions.
             From the book "Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers, is about a middle class family's decision making during and after the Hurricane Kartina. Zeitoun is one of the main character in the book. he had made many of the decision buring the Hurricane Kartina such as he had to stay in city while the hurricane had arrived becuase he had too many work place have to take acre of and to made sure nothing will happened to his house. therefore, those are all money problems that he had to sove; if he losed the equipment in the work place or any damage was done to the house, he would need to pay a large amount of money.
             People in the Lower Ninth Ward had to faced difficult decision beacuse they have to risk their lives when they have chose between to kept their life or to save their property save. Lower Ninth Ward is one of the very poor area in New Orleans. Many of the people live in the area are old people and the poor. In addition, it is not that people dont want to leave when they knew that hurricane Kartina was coming is because that they were too old to move or due to the financial problmes. Most of the people were so people that they were dependent on their monthly paycheck. as a result, they dont have any money to support themselve when they leave the city.
            I believe the goverment didnt do a good job before the Hurricane Kartina was arrived. they didnt take care the people who had to stay in the city. therefore, people whom died from the hurricane was goverments responsibly. The rich doesn't need goverment to take care of; they can just move to other city like they are having a vacation but not the poor. The poor had to suffer from losing their home or family members when it comes to natural disaters. Money can be very improtant ket point on how people treat others. As we can see wealthier people are more likly to survival when it comes to many problems. So i think goverments should take care more the poor.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Digna Colon and as part of the assignment of my ENG 101 class I have to offer my perspective on your blog. First of all, Jianli Zou, as an outside reader I can say that your blog provides a pretty good understanding of the role that money played during a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina. However, my suggestions for you are the following. I think yours points are good but they need to be better organized. For example, I think your paragraphs can be arranged by topics instead of adding two main ideas about the role of money in the same paragraph. Also have in mind that for a better understanding when you use abbreviations, you should explain what it means. For example, an outside reader may not understand the word NO, taking in consideration that you did not mention “New Orleans” in the beginning of your blog. So try to make it clear. In your second paragraph, remember that the name of the book should be in Italic not in quotation marks. In the last paragraph you wrote “The rich doesn't need goverment to take care of; they can just move to other city like they are having a vacation but not the poor. The poor had to suffer from losing their home or family members when it comes to natural disaters”. I think you should not generalize this sentence, since although money plays a major impact during a natural disaster, rich people can also loose family members or even risk their own lives during a natural disaster, such as, Zeitoun’s situation. Overall, I recommend that you pay close attention to the past tenses and also you should proof read your work.
