Monday, October 8, 2012

bolg #3

        My name is Jian Li Zou and I’m from the Eng101 class. In this blog I’m going to discuss about the climate change. According to the two essay “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes and “The Anthropogenicby Paul and Eugene from the book “The Global Warming reader” by Bill Mckibben, our climate is changing in many negative ways such as temperature is higher and the sea level is rising too. In addition, if we don’t stop the climate from going down, it will lead to many problems; the cities that are on the low sea level will be flood.
         In essay “The Anthropogenic” by Paul and Eugene is mostly about the author is trying to give a lot of the evidence that can prove mankind activity is causing the climate change. For instance, the coal and oil burning are releasing more than 100 million of SO2 every year to the atmosphere. Mankind is exhausting the fossil fuels after generations and generations. In addition, people are releasing many toxic substances to the environment, which can harm our own people and our environment. People had been breathing toxic air into thire body. As a result, it might leds to many diease to harm our body. Also many animal had been kill by the polution.On the other hand, the author also said that if we want to the climate we should “guide mankind towards global, sustainable, and environmental management." i think it means that we as the people should trying to stop climate change by teaching people about the climate change and teach them how to avoid any mistakes that had been made before. 
           The second essay “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes is mainly about the scientist trying to let people know what is happing to our climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is one of the organizations that are trying to prove the climate change by send out reports of the environment change date. Furthermore, the since 1993 scientist were publishing more than 900articles about the climate change.       

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