Thursday, November 29, 2012


Topic #3
DNAA was the bill that Obama signed on December 31, 2011. The DNAA bill is about that U.S government can arrest anyone whom they think are suspected as a terrorist, whether the suspected person is U.S citizen or anyone within in United State. After arrest the person the government doesn’t need to give them any of the Bill of Right. Such as the right to gain access to lawyers, family, and the court itself once they are detained within the military. Therefore, Americans can he held in a military custody and has no access to the outside world and it is legal for the governments to do that. I think DNAA has a connection with the book “Zeitoun” because after the Hurricane Katrina Zeitoun was held in the military custody for a long period of time because the government thinks that he was a terrorist. In addition, while Zeitoun was held in the prison he didn’t get any of the right as being U.S citizen. For instance, he didn’t have any access to a lawyer, couldn’t call his family, and was abuse when he was in the prison. Therefore, DNAA is just proving that it is legal for the governments to put any one in the United Sated into prison if they think that they are terrorists.      

Monday, November 19, 2012

blog for the orientation

In the orientation I have been today is mostly about professors and students are introduce the major in English. How it can help people from the most base they need? Such as that writing major can help people to improve their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Therefore, people can have a better position in today’s market. Furthermore, professors had given example of people who had taken the English major and had been successful. Also writing major can help people with advance planer, management, and in all different kinds of administration. During the orientation they had showed students’ power point, video, and students whom are doing the internship are in front of the class to tell their story about why they chose to change their major to English writhing. In addition, at the end of the orientation they had a game that they asked volunteers a question and if the students got the question right, the students will get a reward card from apple store, Starbucks, or Macy's. Witch I think it is very interesting.        

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blog #1

My name is Jian Li Zou and I am a student from ENG101 class that discuss climate change. the article that i was reading from the New York Times, "New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn" by Mireya Navarro is mostly about New York can to in danger when the climate change. there are many side affect when the climate is change such as the see level is get higher, temperature is higher, and weather start is change. according to the article compare to other city New York is not ready for the climate change. there are too many litter things need to do for New York to do for the change of the climate. people in the New york will paid for price when the climate hits New York. thousand of New Yonkers will be homeless and the house and street will be flood. Government will need to send a very large amount of money to fix the problem.  

blog #4

after the hurricane Katrina hit lower ninth ward, the place was like a disaster. governor had said that Lower Ninth Ward will be the one of the most important to recovery. Dr Edward Blakely, as the Director of the
Office of Recovery Management, said that Lower Ninth Ward will be target for "heavy investment" because that Lower Ninth Ward have always been the place for the poor and old people.

 Green, Rebekah, Lisa K. Bates, and Andrew Smyth. "Impediments To Recovery In New Orleans' Upper And Lower Ninth Ward: One Year After Hurricane Katrina." Disasters 31.4 (2007): 311-335. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Vince Li@vincemin2012
How sad was that Zeitoun could't even "get a piece of paper" before he' taken into the boat (Eggers 207). Things might be easier if he did.
 i think Vince's twitter is intersting becuase i think it true that if they give some just a little of the same right as they give to others, it will be so much different. He might dont need to go tought all the things that he had been though. such as have a lawyer that can help him, be in a living condition, and people will pay more attention to him.

Monday, October 29, 2012

blogging the peer review

            Money played a complex role in how people reacted to Hurricane Katrina. For some in the Lower Ninth Ward, lack of access to cash created a situation where they couldn't go anywhere becuase they had no money to back them up and their house was the only place they have. Meanwhile, some middle-class people in NO like the Zeitouns had to face difficult choices, such as the working place, his business, and his house.. All the while people faced these difficult choices and situations, the US government, who had money, chose to only talk people to leave the but city but not helping the poor that couldn't afforded thier family to move. In light of all these examples, I feel that money  was the main reason why people didn't left during Hurricane Katrina and goverments didn't used it in the right way. In this essay, I will show how each of these groups faced a different kind of Hurricane due to the power money had in their ability to make certain kinds of decisions.
             From the book "Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers, is about a middle class family's decision making during and after the Hurricane Kartina. Zeitoun is one of the main character in the book. he had made many of the decision buring the Hurricane Kartina such as he had to stay in city while the hurricane had arrived becuase he had too many work place have to take acre of and to made sure nothing will happened to his house. therefore, those are all money problems that he had to sove; if he losed the equipment in the work place or any damage was done to the house, he would need to pay a large amount of money.
             People in the Lower Ninth Ward had to faced difficult decision beacuse they have to risk their lives when they have chose between to kept their life or to save their property save. Lower Ninth Ward is one of the very poor area in New Orleans. Many of the people live in the area are old people and the poor. In addition, it is not that people dont want to leave when they knew that hurricane Kartina was coming is because that they were too old to move or due to the financial problmes. Most of the people were so people that they were dependent on their monthly paycheck. as a result, they dont have any money to support themselve when they leave the city.
            I believe the goverment didnt do a good job before the Hurricane Kartina was arrived. they didnt take care the people who had to stay in the city. therefore, people whom died from the hurricane was goverments responsibly. The rich doesn't need goverment to take care of; they can just move to other city like they are having a vacation but not the poor. The poor had to suffer from losing their home or family members when it comes to natural disaters. Money can be very improtant ket point on how people treat others. As we can see wealthier people are more likly to survival when it comes to many problems. So i think goverments should take care more the poor.

Monday, October 22, 2012

In Calss Zeitoun quotation

In the book “Zeitoun” by Dave Eggers, author is trying to tell or show us many of the personalities that Zeitoun and Kathy has. In the book Zeitoun and Kathy had made many decisions before and after the hurricane Katrina. According to Dave Eggers, “He opened the cage and let them out”(Eggers 121) I believe it is part of the personalities of Zeitoun that author wants to let us know. In the passage Zeitoun is trying to save the two dogs that is trap in the house after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. When he found out two dogs was trap in a house. He tried to climb up to tree then walked over the roof to get into the house and save the two dogs that was cage, which they seem very hungry and scared to him. It made me think that Zeitoun has a warm heart as helping others but not only people but also the animals too. So I think this is a one of the many very nice personalities that Zeitoun has.

Monday, October 15, 2012

blog in class about Zeitoun.

After reading more than 90pages of “Zeitoun” by Dave Eggers is mostly about the life that he and Kathy had when the hurricane Katrina arrive New Orleans and author is trying to show us their personalities by giving many example of the thing that they had done before. Both of them have different personalities. On one hand, Zeitoun is a very responsive and strong man. On the other hand, Kathy is very strong women too but also she is a smart woman.

I think Zeitoun is a very responsive and a strong person because as Kathy said he was an “honest man, hardworking, reliable, faithful, and devoted to family.” (Eggers17) I think when a wife think her husband as reliable and honest man that means Zeitoun has been a very good father and husband to his family which means that he is a responsive man to his family. In addition, I think he has a strong personality because he decided to stay in the city to take care the house and the work place when he knew that there was a hurricane is coming to his city.

I think Kathy as a strong and smart woman because of many decisions that she had made before. For instance, when she deicide to take the kids north a “handful of times” (Eggers42) when she knew that it might be dangers to her family when the hurricane is coming and left Zeitoun alone when she care about him very much also when she has to deal with high school kids that try to made fun of her. So I think she is a very smart and strong woman.     

book note

I'm in group two. Zeitoun pg 42-46
1.kathy had taken the kids north a handful of times.
2.i told you i'd go with or without you
3.he nad hundred thing on his mind.
4.but always his decision was made at the last minute
6.a marriage was a system like any other, and she knew how to wrok it.
7.high school kid.
       kathy is a tough woman. she does not need to rely on Zeiton. she is capable of taking care of her family. kathy is a good mother, she is very concemed about her kids. she is also a women who knows how to take care of her and keep thing organized. she is a powerful woman and keeps thing in control.

Monday, October 8, 2012

bolg #3

        My name is Jian Li Zou and I’m from the Eng101 class. In this blog I’m going to discuss about the climate change. According to the two essay “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes and “The Anthropogenicby Paul and Eugene from the book “The Global Warming reader” by Bill Mckibben, our climate is changing in many negative ways such as temperature is higher and the sea level is rising too. In addition, if we don’t stop the climate from going down, it will lead to many problems; the cities that are on the low sea level will be flood.
         In essay “The Anthropogenic” by Paul and Eugene is mostly about the author is trying to give a lot of the evidence that can prove mankind activity is causing the climate change. For instance, the coal and oil burning are releasing more than 100 million of SO2 every year to the atmosphere. Mankind is exhausting the fossil fuels after generations and generations. In addition, people are releasing many toxic substances to the environment, which can harm our own people and our environment. People had been breathing toxic air into thire body. As a result, it might leds to many diease to harm our body. Also many animal had been kill by the polution.On the other hand, the author also said that if we want to the climate we should “guide mankind towards global, sustainable, and environmental management." i think it means that we as the people should trying to stop climate change by teaching people about the climate change and teach them how to avoid any mistakes that had been made before. 
           The second essay “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes is mainly about the scientist trying to let people know what is happing to our climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is one of the organizations that are trying to prove the climate change by send out reports of the environment change date. Furthermore, the since 1993 scientist were publishing more than 900articles about the climate change.       

Monday, October 1, 2012


At 1938 people already burn around 150,000 million tons of Co2 to the air by fuel combustion.

review feedback

         After i finish reading the feedback from my group, i think will go the following steps. First, i should keep writing 3 more pages so that i will have 5 page letter. second, try to fix the problems that i have in my letter, which i have found a lot in my first two pages letter. third, i think i should have go find some other information that can help me with my evidence. finally the last, after i finish the 5pages letter i will reread my letter so that i wouldn't mistype any words or missing some words in the sentences.
         i think I'm in a good shape because i know what i should write in my other 3 pages of letter; i know where to find my information or how to put it into the letter.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


               My name is Jian Li Zou and I’m from the Eng101 class. In this blog I’m going to discuss about the climate change. According to the two essay “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes and “The Anthropogenicby Paul and Eugene from the book “The Global Warming reader” by Bill Mckibben, our climate is changing in many negative ways such as temperature is higher and the sea level is rising too. In addition, if we don’t stop the climate from going down, it will lead to many problems; the cities that are on the low sea level will be flood.

                 In essay “The Anthropogenic” by Paul and Eugene is mostly about the author is trying to give a lot of the evidence that can prove mankind activity is causing the climate change. For instance, the coal and oil burning are releasing more than 100 million of SO2 every year to the atmosphere. Mankind is exhausting the fossil fuels after generations and generations. In addition, people are releasing many toxic substances to the environment, which can harm our own people and our environment. On the other hand, the author also said that if we want to the climate we should “guide mankind towards global, sustainable, and environmental management.

                The second essay “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes is mainly about the scientist trying to let people know what is happing to our climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is one of the organizations that are trying to prove the climate change by send out reports of the environment change date. Furthermore, the since 1993 scientist were publishing more than 900articles about the climate change.        

Monday, September 24, 2012

Blog#1 responds

i didn't write the blog number 1. But if  i am going to write it, i will include a summarizes about the article,  people from the article, and find a readers pick. Also i will add my responds to the readers pick the to the blog. however, if my blog is shorter than 200 words maybe i will add more detail from the article that i think i is important for reader to know. In addition, i think, i might include my ideal of what is the best ways for the New Yorkers to live in a very bad condition.  

Monday, September 10, 2012


 i have been moving around since i was a kid. such as i had come from china to new york when i was a kid and moving around in Manhattan. But the most important one is when my family moved from Manhattan to Queens. i had to go live in a place that i had never been before and went to a different school. which it had change me a lot.
 i remember when i first move into the new house in queens, it felt so different. everything was different from the apartment that i was used to live in, the every room in the house is bigger and cleaner. However, i felt so empty in house for the first few weeks. most of the time  i was in my own room and just trying to find something that i can spend my time on. As a result of i dont know any place that i can go and none of my friends lived in Queens. Also i had no idea where i can just go alone and not following my parents.
it all just get better when the school started at September. At first i was kind of scares of going to school in the first day.